Chairman’s Message
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Message for Hon. Chairman and President, KSV

I am delighted to have VSITR in our bouquet of educational institutions when we are entering into 100th year of Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavani Mandal, Kadi and Gandhinagar. When I sensed the desire of Shree Vikram Somany to contribute something in education domain for Kadi and surrounding areas in fond memory of his only son Vidush Somany, and the idea of engineering college cropped up at Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavani Mandal.
India is in the middle of an engineering education crisis. While Prime Minister promotes “Make in India” mission and country hopes to reap demographic dividend through predominantly young population, quality of engineering education plays a spoilsport. In India we have more than 3,300 AICTE approved Engineering colleges having a combined intake of 14.5 lacs seats, but quality education remains a big issue. We, at Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavani Mandal believe in imparting quality education based on value system. We believe in inclusive education and in finding avenues to explore and improve.
The root of the problem is mushrooming of low-quality engineering colleges over the years. As students from such colleges fail to get suitable jobs, they face decline in enrolment. Recently, a study found that Russian and Chinese engineering students were better than those in India. Indian students make substantial gains in mathematics and critical thinking skills in the first two years of their education compared to their counterparts in China and Russia, but their overall higher-order thinking skills are substantially lower than the Chinese and Russians.
Technology is changing with unprecedented pace and innovations disseminate in record time. Alvin Toffler rightly predicted the topsy-turvy of 21st century for human-being and elements of Universe. We are going to focus on computer and IT base education along with core branches like Mechanical and Civil engineering at VSITR. Today Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, deep learning and many such areas command significant position in way we live, do business or interact with rest of world. In manufacturing after industrial revolution a next big revolution is ready to occupy the space and that is “Manufacturing 4.0.” Sensors are making life of human easy and safe and blend of these with PLC create thousands of solutions for real-life. The dynamics of each industry unveil new innovations and solution. I believe that disruptive technology and their exponential growth may change the world sooner. I believe if students are embedded with real time innovation, technology and contemporary learning they can do wonders.
I wish at VSITR every student is nurtured with classic fundamentals and nextgen technology to simplify human life and balance ecological issues. We want to foster culture of innovation and value system so that society receives true engineers who are at par with student of any world class Institution.